Socio-Cultural Integration and Academic Understanding of Baloch Students

  • Sonia Razzaq Independent Researcher
  • Tayyaba Sohail University of Home Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Inam Ul Haq School of Business and Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: cultural diversity, communication barriers, cross-cultural communication, non-verbal communication, inclusive


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This study aimed to explore the challenges faced by Baloch students in both social and academic spheres due to cultural diversity. However, cultural diversity, while enriching, can also present communication barriers that hinder effective interaction and communal sharing among students from diverse backgrounds. This paper examined the significance of communication between varied cultural students, and explored strategies for socio-cultural integration and overcoming cultural barriers, using sociological lens. The data was collected from the Baloch students, currently studying subjects of the Social Sciences in the private sector University of Lahore. Qualitative research technique was adopted and purposive sampling was used to conduct in-depth interviews (IDIs)with 10 Baloch students. After interviews, data was transcribed and coded for thematic analysis. The research findings revealed several challenges faced by Baloch students, such as cultural diversity, communication barriers etc. Results informed that educational institutes, by understanding and addressing these challenges, can foster a more inclusive and conductive environment to the academic and social issues of Baloch students. Overall, the findings may be beneficial for policymakers and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to develop an indigenous, inclusive education policy to harness the benefits of the increasing diversity in academic institutions in Pakistan. Moreover, this study recommended to establish a social club for ethnic students, where they can share their cultural values. This initiative will support the building of confidence among diverse students.


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How to Cite
Razzaq, S., Sohail, T., & Haq, I. U. (2023). Socio-Cultural Integration and Academic Understanding of Baloch Students. Sociological Research And Innovation, 1(1).