Drivers and Impacts of Internal Displacement to Kano City, Nigeria: An Empirical Study and Strategic Recommendations

The increasing rate of internal displacement in Nigeria has raised significant concerns regarding its impact on urban management. Forced migration is often seen as an outcome of unpalatable experience in migrants’ communities. This study aims to identify the factors driving mass internal migration to Kano and to explore the relationship between forced migration and the evolving socio-economic conditions in the city. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, including surveys with 1,000 respondents, interviews with 30 individuals, and six focus group discussions (FGDs). Discussion is anchored on Lee’s push-pull theory of migration. The analysis reveals that insurgency, banditry, communal conflicts over socio-economic space, and herders-farmers conflicts are major factors contributing to unprecedented internal displacement, with Kano emerging as a significant recipient of these migrants. Socio-economic life of Kano slums has been altered and migrants are exposed to various risks, including unemployment, hunger, disease, drug abuse and poor upbringing of the young ones. Uncertain future and danger looms ahead if proactive measures are not taken to address conflicts and insecurity in the northern Nigeria. The government should develop strategies to resolve these crises and facilitate the return of forced migrants to their communities, thereby mitigating the socio-economic disruptions in Kano.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aminu Umar, Ebele Angela Udeoji, Basil Okey Ibebunjo, Musibau Oyebode, Abel Inabo Obaka

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