Qualitative Analysis of Family’s Structure and Practices in Shaping Higher Education and Career Choices of Male Academics in Public Universities of KP, Pakistan

  • Nasik Abbas University of the Punjab,Lahore.
  • Fouzia Sadaf Institute of Social & Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Sawera Farooq Butt Institute of Social & Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Keywords: Male academics, Family socio-economic background, higher education, Career Trajectories, Gender inequalities


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This study addresses the gap in empirical research concerning the experiences of male academics in Pakistan's higher education system, with a specific focus on public universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). While substantial work exists on female academics, men's experiences remain underexplored. This research aimed to examine how socio-economic circumstances and family influence the higher education and career choices of male academics. In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 lecturers and assistant professors from KP’s public universities. Thematic analysis revealed that the majority of participants were first-generation scholars, highlighting the significant role of family support in overcoming socio-economic challenges. For some, privileged family backgrounds provided inspiration and guidance. Despite barriers related to family and regional disparities, persistent encouragement from families played a pivotal role in academic and career success. This qualitative study contributes to global literature by shedding light on the unique experiences of male academics in an under-explored context and offers recommendations for future policy interventions.


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How to Cite
Abbas, N., Sadaf, F., & Farooq Butt, S. (2024). Qualitative Analysis of Family’s Structure and Practices in Shaping Higher Education and Career Choices of Male Academics in Public Universities of KP, Pakistan. Sociological Research And Innovation, 2(2), 23-42. Retrieved from https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/SRI/article/view/6410