International Health Review <p style="text-align: justify;">International Health Review (IHR) is an open access peer-reviewed biannual journal that strives to lead the debate on multidisciplinary aspects of health and medical sciences and to publish high value productive research through a rigorous process of peer-review and evaluation in the field of health and medical sciences. The journal’s mission is to bring novel, significant, enduring, and advance research of prime importance to health practitioners, researchers and medical experts that addresses challenging questions in health and medical disciplines.</p> University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan en-US International Health Review 2791-0008 Determination of Physical Fitness Index (PFI) among Female College Students <p>Physical fitness/cardiovascular fitness is considered as the best reflection of whole-body health. It can be maintained by improving the physical fitness/cardiovascular fitness levels of individuals. The current study attempted to analyze the physical fitness index (PFI) of female college students by using the Harvard step test. A cross-sectional research was conducted from June 2021 to January 2022. Non-probability convenient sampling technique was employed to choose a sample of 340 students based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected from Government Degree College for Women, Government Post-Graduate College for Women, and Apex College Sialkot, Pakistan.&nbsp; The data was entered and analyzed through SPSS. PFI scores showed students who had excellent and good scores, for instance 13 (3.8%) and 39 (11.5%), respectively. High average and low average scores were 172 (50.6%) and 62 (18.2%), respectively. Students who had poor scores were 54 (15.9%). The mean PFI was 66.91± 11.23, respectively. The association of PFI with BMI showed spearman correlation value as 0.136 with p-value &lt; 0.05. The findings showed that most of the female college students had average to low PFI.</p> Saffa Tariq Zohaib Anwar Solangi Ameer Hamza Zamin Abbas Syed Ayesha Iftikhar Usama Bin Sabir Abdul Hanan Copyright (c) 2024 International Health Review 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 4 1 1 12 10.32350/ihr.41.01 Professional Quality of Life among Healthcare Workers: A Case Study Conducted during the COVID-19 Pandemic <p>Coronavirus is an infectious respiratory disease. Following its outbreak in China, the virus spread rapidly throughout the world. Consequently, the WHO declared it as a serious international emergency concern. The healthcare workers (HCWs) fighting as active and critical frontline warriors during the COVID-19 pandemic were at a high risk of exhibiting psychosocial stress and mental health symptoms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the professional quality of life of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The population of this research consisted of 238 HCWs. The data was collected through online Google forms and participants were assessed by using professional quality of life tool (ProQOL-5). The results showed that the majority (84.2%) of HCWs had average compassion satisfaction (CS), while only 14.6% had high CS scores. For burnout, the majority had average scores whereas only 8.3% had a low count of burnout. Similarly, the majority of the participants had average secondary traumatic (ST) stress (88.3%), while 9.2% had low ST stress, and 2.5% had high ST stress. This study concluded that the healthcare workers (HCWs) had average CS, burnout, and ST stress</p> Hafiz Hamid Rashid Ghazal Hussain Tariq Rashid Sarah Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 International Health Review 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 4 1 14 28 10.32350/ihr.41.02 Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective Impact of Phytomedicine using Experimental Animal Models <p>Human beings have been using plants as medicines for centuries. The development of traditional medicinal systems utilizing plants as a form of medicine may be traced back only as far as historical documentation of their similarity. Immunosuppression and bone resorption is a major drawback in conventional chemotherapy. Modern medicines contain plant-derived components that are the source of immunomodulators. <em>Withania somnifera</em> and <em>Cnidium monnieri</em> are the plants which have been used for immunomodulatory and anti-osteoporotic activities. Medicinal plant samples were obtained from diverse parts of Pakistan. Following extraction, phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial potential were investigated, and the hepatoprotective effect was evaluated. An in vivo study was conducted on experimental animals by administering ethnomedicinal plant extracts in comparison to some allopathic drugs. Various blood samples were collected to analyze calcium level, vitamin-D, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), parathyroid hormone (PTH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and Testosterone for antiosteoporosis activity. The possible outcomes were positive and hepatoprotective as well as antimicrobial effect was present in Polyherbal preparation (PHP). During trails on Albino rats, the improvement in their body weight was recorded. PHP administration of plant extracts enhanced the parameters of blood and neutralized the effect of CCl4 intoxication. The proper administration of plant extracts showed a positive effect on hormones, particularly progesterone, testosterone, and oestradiol. In the future, these selected medicinal plants and their PHP might be preferred for the separation of lead bioactive compounds to overcome the extremely alleviating issues associated with infertility.</p> Muhammad Jahangeer Humayun Ameen Ghazia Fatema Muti Ur Rehman Shaista Nawaz Kashaf Tariq Shamma Firdous Shafqat Munir Muhammad Hassan Farooq Afifa Maryam Areej Riasat Copyright (c) 2024 International Health Review 2024-07-09 2024-07-09 4 1 29 49 10.32350/ihr.41.03 Habitual Breakfast-Skipping as Predictor of Health Quality among Young Women <p>Breakfast-skipping habit is quite common among women, especially adolescent girls. Resultantly, their mental health, physical activity level, and menstruation cycle get affected. A quantitative study was conducted to determine this phenomenon. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of breakfast-skipping habits on mental health, physical activity level, and menstruation cycle among women of ages ranging between 18-24 years. A sample of 93 women was selected from different colleges in Lahore. Their demographics, breakfast-skipping habits, mental health, physical activity level, and menstruation cycle irregularities were determined through different tools. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between breakfast-skipping habits, mental health, physical activity level as well as menstrual irregularities. Breakfast-skipping habits predicted the menstrual irregularities significantly (<em>P</em>=0.02*<sup>)</sup>. It was inferred that school and college girls who skip their breakfast daily, suffer from poor mental health and menstrual problems. They were also less active and participated in fewer physical activities. The current study may be further implicated among adolescent girls to have a good breakfast for improved mental health, physical activity level, and menstrual irregularities.</p> Rabiah Sherwani Afsheen Masood Hafsah Sherwani Copyright (c) 2024 International Health Review 2024-07-29 2024-07-29 4 1 50 69 10.32350/ihr.41.04 HIV Epidemic among Pakistani Inhabitants in District Faisalabad, Pakistan <p>The pandemic of HIV/AIDS has severely impacted the most vulnerable sections of society in Pakistan. The results of the current study on the HIV epidemiology in Faisalabad, Pakistan, highlighted the importance of preventive measures. The current study attempted to assess the prevalence of HIV in Faisalabad. Moreover, it also identified potential risk factors for the spread of this pandemic in the region. A total of 1540 test results&nbsp;were gathered&nbsp;between March 2020 and July 2022 from 3 hospitals, that is,&nbsp;Allied Hospital, Aziz Fatima, and DHQ Hospital Faisalabad. Immuno-chromatographic Technique (ICT) was used to detect the presence of the infection. The researchers in District Faisalabad, Pakistan, surveyed 1540 locals to determine the HIV prevalence in that area. About 33 cases of HIV infection were confirmed through ICT, with a prevalence rate of 2.14%. Roughly, 25 males, however, only 8 females tested positive for HIV. Since more than half of HIV diagnoses occur in people between the ages of 15 and 30, it is essential that HIV prevention efforts focus on this demographic. The increased exposure to unsanitary needles and blood may explain why city dwellers appear more vulnerable than rural residents. The findings confirm that HIV is a serious threat to public health in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Community health professionals must work together to educate the public and come up with other solutions to this problem.</p> Riffat Yasmin Mesum Raza Rizwan Asif Tehmina Khalid Syed Kashif Raza Furkhanda Kalsoom Maida Shaikh Copyright (c) 2024 International Health Review 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 4 1 90 105 10.32350/ihr.41.06 Impact of the Mediterranean Diet (Med-Diet) on Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Prevention and Management: A Narrative Review <p>Cancer and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Dietary patterns play a crucial role in the prevention and management of these life-threatening diseases. Moreover, the Mediterranean diet (Med-Diet) is consistently associated with health benefits. Therefore, the current study attempted to synthesize the contemporary scientific evidence, outlining the impact of Med-Diet on CVD. The key components of this dietary pattern include a high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seafood, olive oil, and moderate consumption of poultry and dairy products which interact to provide protective effects against these diseases. The Med-Diet &nbsp;emphasizes the use of monounsaturated fats from olive oil and polyunsaturated fats from seafood, which significantly contribute to cardiovascular health. This diet is also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, offering potential protective qualities against cancer through combating inflammation and oxidative stress. High fiber content contributes to a healthy digestive system and potentially reduces the incidence of colorectal cancers. While, the Med-Diet alone cannot guarantee complete immunity against these diseases, it is an essential element of a holistic approach to disease prevention and management. Moreover, it also reinforces the importance of incorporating dietary patterns into public health strategies. To strengthen the evidence base, future research should focus on long-term randomized controlled trials in diverse populations.</p> Ifra Chaudhary Hassan Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 International Health Review 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 4 1 70 89 10.32350/ihr.41.05