- Investigation of Shariah Compliant Green Firm Performance Using Eco-Efficient Infrastructure and Green Organizational Capabilities:

The Intervening Role of Shariah Compliant Sustainable Production.

  • uzma kashif superior university
Keywords: Eco-Efficient infrastructure, Green Organizational Capabilities, Shariah Compliant Sustainable Production, Shariah Compliant Firm Green Performance


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The primary goal of this study is to investigate the impact of eco-efficient infrastructure and organizational capabilities on shariah compliant shariah compliant green organizational performance, with shariah compliant sustainable production serving as a moderator. To achieve the study's goal, data were collected from 528 respondents in the manufacturing sector using a stratified sampling technique. The findings showed that a firm's eco-efficient infrastructure and organizational capabilities play an important role in achieving green performance; additionally, Shariah-Compliant Sustainable Production plays an important mediating role. This study contributes to the development of policies for organizations to improve their green performance and theoretically eco-efficient infrastructure, which has been overlooked in previous literature.   


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How to Cite
kashif, uzma. (2023). - Investigation of Shariah Compliant Green Firm Performance Using Eco-Efficient Infrastructure and Green Organizational Capabilities:. Islamic Banking and Finance Review, 10(2), 86-111. Retrieved from https://journals.umt.edu.pk/index.php/IBFR/article/view/5330