Reining in Self-Leadership within Academia and Athletics: A Self-Determination Perspective

  • Laura Seidel Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Rebecca Sullivan Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Amanda Baker Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Céline Blanchard Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: Self-Leadership, Motivation, Emotional Regulation, Decision-Making


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The purpose of this paper is to examine self-leadership and its antecedents through a self-determination theory framework in order to identify and understand the key mediators that contribute to the development of self-leadership. Two studies were used to test the tenability of our proposed model across two domains. Study 1 examined self-leadership amongst a sample of undergraduate students. Study 2 examined a similar model amongst equine athletes from across Canada. Self-report questionnaires were employed to collect all data. Based on the conclusions, we suggest that autonomous motivation, rational decision-making and emotional regulation are important aptitudes for the development of efficient self-leadership. Ultimately, the research expands the literature on both self-determination theory and self-leadership by offering a unique multiple mediation models for predicting self-leadership development.


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Author Biographies

Laura Seidel, Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada

Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada

Rebecca Sullivan, Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada

Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada

Amanda Baker, Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada

Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada

Céline Blanchard, Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada

Department of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada


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How to Cite
Seidel, L., Sullivan, R., Baker, A., & Blanchard, C. (2023). Reining in Self-Leadership within Academia and Athletics: A Self-Determination Perspective. Applied Psychology Review, 2(1), 1-24.