Self-Esteem and Scholarly Accomplishment amongst Undergraduate Students

The main objective of this research is to find the relationship between self-esteem and academic accomplishment. We investigated if self-esteem plays a role in the academic achievement of students. Second, we investigate the effect of permanent residence, whether rural or urban, on the development of self-esteem. Furthermore, we checked whether economic status plays any role in developing self-esteem or not. For this, we collected data from 400 students of a public university in Islamabad, Pakistan. We collected data from men using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. After data collection, it was analyzed using SPSS version 23. Through the Pearson correlation, data revealed a significant positive relationship between self-esteem and the academic performance of students. However, this association was weak. This proves that high self-esteem helps students in achieving higher grades and vice versa. In the second hypothesis, researchers revealed a positive relationship between self-esteem and family monthly income that was deemed non-significant. To analyze the third hypothesis researchers checked whether self-esteem is high in rural students or in urban ones. However, he found that the area of belonging does not play any part in the self-esteem of students. Results came out non-significant here as well (p > .05 which was = .545). The current study is effective for students, parents and teachers because they will know after studying this article that academic performance is not a single variable that does not have any link with other variables. They will find out from the study that if we want high academic performance from students or children, we need to work on their self-esteem which would directly affect their academic performance.
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