Patience, Belief in a Just World and Emotion Regulation in Mothers of Toddlers

A correlational study was conducted to examine the relationship between patience, personal belief in a just world and emotion regulation among mothers of toddlers. Using a cross-sectional design, we employed non-probability purposive sampling strategy to recruit mothers (N = 100) of two to four years old children. It was hypothesized that patience and personal belief in a just world would positively predict emotion regulation. It was also expected that personal belief in a just world would moderate the relationship between patience and emotion regulation. Data was collected using the Patience Scale (Fatima & Hafeez, 2013), the Personal Belief in a Just World Scale (Dalbert, 1999), and the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross & John, 2003). Data was analysed using SPSS version 23. Findings revealed that patience and personal belief in a just world were positively related to emotion regulation. It was also observed that only patience positively predicted emotion regulation. However, the relationship between patience and emotion regulation was not moderated by personal belief in just world. This study had implications for understanding the psychological resources important for emotion regulation while parenting in Pakistani cultural context.
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