Thought-Action Fusion, Scrupulosity and Afterlife Beliefs in Young

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between thought-action fusion and scrupulosity in young adults while investigating the mediating role of afterlife beliefs. The sample comprised of (N = 200) young adults, including men (n = 87) and women (n = 113). All the participants were Muslims with their age ranging between 18-35. To measure the constructs, Afterlife Belief Scale for Muslims, Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity-Revised, and Thought-Action Fusion Scale were used. The study data was analysed using SPSS and PROCESS Macro. Correlation analysis depicted that thought-action fusion and afterlife belief were significantly positively correlated with scrupulosity. Positive afterlife belief had a non-significant correlation with thought-action fusion. Mediation analysis confirmed the mediating role of afterlife belief in the relationship between thought-action fusion and scrupulosity. The present study has significant implications in the clinical and counselling field. The practitioners can consider a person’s afterlife belief system while dealing with the religious manifestations of OCD and scrupulosity; hence they can apply more effective therapeutic interventions according to the mediation model.
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