Translation and Validation of the Negative Core Beliefs Inventory (NCBI) in Urdu

  • Ather Mujitaba GIFT University, Gujranwala, Pakistan
  • Suleman Ahmad GIFT University, Gujranwala, Pakistan
Keywords: CFA, CBT, Negative Core Beliefs, SEM, Translation, Validation


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The recently developed Negative Core Beliefs Inventory (NCBI) aligns with Beck’s theoretical framework on negative core beliefs. It assesses two key dimensions: self-related and other-related negative core beliefs, along with four sub-dimensions specific to self-related beliefs. Despite its widespread utility, the NCBI had not been translated into Urdu. Therefore, this study aimed to translate and validate the NCBI for Urdu-speaking populations. The forward-backward translation approach was employed to obtain a precise and context-specific translation. The factor structure of NCBI Urdu translation was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) with Amos, based on a sample of 421 young adults (aged 17-25). The CFA results demonstrated acceptable fit indices for subfactors of belief about self and a decent fit for the factor solution of the NCBI translation.  Moreover, SEM also demonstrated a significant fit to the first and second-level factors of the NCBI Urdu Translation, showing excellent psychometric properties. The convergent and discriminant validity were determined using a sample of 279 young adults, wherein the NCBI original scale and its Urdu translation were used as concurrent validity measure, while Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) was used as a discriminant validity measure. The results revealed a marked positive correlation between the NCBI and its Urdu translation, in contrast, the NCBI Urdu translation showed a significantly high negative correlation with SWLS. Thus, the NCBI Urdu translation proved to be a valid measure for a non-clinical Pakistani normative sample, although it still needs to be evaluated on a clinical population.


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How to Cite
Ather Mujitaba, & Ahmad, S. (2024). Translation and Validation of the Negative Core Beliefs Inventory (NCBI) in Urdu. Applied Psychology Review, 3(2), 79-97.