Anger in Different Roles according to Islamic Perspective: A Qualitative Inquiry

Anger has an existential, as well as destructive value. The personal and social role in which one manifests anger is subject to exploration. Therefore, a qualitative research was conducted to understand anger in different roles according to Islamic guidelines (teachings of Quran and Hadith). For data collection, constructivism research paradigm and criterion sampling were used. A sample of 16 Muslim Scholars who have specialization in Quran and Hadith and adequate work experience of at least 5 years was selected. An interview guide was specifically formulated that majorly questioned the ways in which Islam has reflected on anger. Muslim Scholars have explained questions regarding the guidelines of anger in different predominant personal and social capacities as highlighted in Islam. They have given answers in light of Quranic references, sharing incidents of Prophet (PBUH) and his companions, as well as their experiences in dealing with people having anger issues. Quran and Hadith references were confirmed from original sources to ensure validity and authenticity of the data. Afterwards, thematic analysis was carried out. Results showed that the theme anger in different roles had 3 sub-themes, namely anger in authority, anger in parents’ role and anger in spousal role. The findings concluded that Islam doesn’t prohibit anger but guides that in every role, one needs to keep Allah’s pleasure and His guidelines in mind. The study has important implications in field of Islamic psychology as it would guide people about the appropriate anger in different roles.
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