Innovative Computing Review (ICR) is an international journal being published by the School of Systems and Technology (SST), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan. ICR is committed to publishing high-quality studies in computing and related fields and is widely circulated, both nationally and internationally. It is focused towards the publication of original research work and reviews in form of articles under the umbrella of computing science and it aims to introduce the latest developments in this rapidly growing subject.


To foster innovative knowledge sharing in the computing domain and beyond.


Innovative Computing Review (ICR) aspires to be an innovative platform for professionals, scientists, technologists, researchers, and students to introduce technological innovation and made scientific discoveries.  The aim is to bring value to computing research and maximize its benefits to the people. In the process, ICR is actively focused on publicizing the latest research amidst the international scientific communities. In doing so, we uphold the principles of ingenuity, integrity, transparency, and efficiency.

Aims and Objectives

ICR is an open-access journal. The aim of this journal is to publish high-quality research in the field of computing, which is of interest to academicians and also applicable in the industry. The journal is published biannually, in the second and the third quarters of the calendar.

Subjects Areas

ICR primarily focused on the following areas, but submissions are accepted from computing and related interdisciplinary domains.

  • Cloud and High-Performance Computing
  • Computer Engineering, Architecture and Embedded Systems
  • Software Engineering, and Programming Languages
  • Databases, Data Mining, and Information Systems
  • Internet of Things, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Data Analytics
  • Graphics and Immersive Computing
  • Networks, Distributed Systems, and Security
  • Human-Computer Interaction and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Fuzzy and Knowledge base Systems
  • Algorithms, Theoretical Computing and Computational Numerics

Submission Criteria

 Submissions to this journal should be according to the standard adopted by ICR.  The author is responsible to assure that research is original and is not under review or accepted elsewhere. However, the journal is open to publishing extended or revised versions of research articles presented at a conference. The contents of manuscripts are of diverse nature i.e. research articles, reviews, new frameworks, algorithms, models, technologies, and methods are acceptable.