
  • Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization

    The Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization (JITC) is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual HEC recognized journal. JITC presents a trailblazing platform to Islamic scholars and social scientists for the publication of their research articles.

  • Linguistics and Literature Review

    Linguistics and Literature Review (LLR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the University of Management and Technology a leading university in Pakistan. Various international indexing and abstracting agencies cite the journal.

  • Islamic Banking and Finance Review

    Islamic Banking and Finance Review (IBFR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed international research journal indexed with well-reputed international indexing agencies (such as EconLit, INDEX ISLAMICUS), and recognized by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan in Y-Category. The IBFR is an official publication of the Department of Banking and Finance, Dr Hasan Murad School of Management, the University of Management and Technology Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Journal of Management and Research

    Journal of Management and Research (JMR) is the flagship pragmatic journal in management, aims to present the latest thinking and research on all major and minor management areas in an indispensable way for readers. The Journal welcomes a broad view of business and management while encouraging new ideas and advanced perspectives on existing research and promising deep-exploration approach for future possible research areas.

  • Journal of Quantitative Methods

    Journal of Quantitative Methods (JQM) is a multidisciplinary bi-annual journal launched in 2017 by the Department of Economics and Statistics, Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan. JQM provides new insights and fosters critical debate about the role of data analysis in business and economics.

  • Empirical Economic Review

    Empirical Economic Review (EER) is a multidisciplinary journal published by the Department of Economics and Statistics, Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan. EER brings forward the prevailing topics in the fields of economics, finance and public policy simulating a thought-provoking debate leading to an insight of theoretical and empirical research.

  • Journal of Finance and Accounting Research

    The Journal of Finance and Accounting Research (JFAR) is a multidisciplinary international journal of the Department of Banking and Finance, Dr. Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan. JFAR is committed to publishing high-quality studies in finance and related fields and is widely circulated, both nationally and internationally.

  • Journal of Art, Architecture and Built Environment

    The Journal of Art, Architecture and Built Environment (JAABE) is a double-blind, peer reviewed, bi-annual journal published by the School of Architecture and Planning, University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan.

  • Current Trends in OMICS

    Current Trends in OMICS (CTO) is a biannual open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed international journal. The journal is interested to publish high-quality original research articles dealing with all the aspects of multi-OMICS studies in Biology and Medicine. The articles reflecting different ethical and legal effects of various scientific and technological developments and the use of different Bioinformatics tools to analyze the experimental data in different OMICS technologies are also welcomed.

  • Scientific Inquiry and Review

    Scientific Inquiry and Review is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal providing knowledge about the research updates in various fields of science that is published Quarterly. It is a source of authentic information for scientific personnel covering wide range of research aspects.

  • Innovative Computing Review

    Innovative Computing Review (ICR) is an international journal being published by the School of Systems and Technology (SST), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan. ICR is committed to publishing high-quality studies in computing and related fields and is widely circulated, both nationally and internationally. It is focused on the publication of original research work and reviews in form of articles under the umbrella of computing science and it aims to introduce the latest developments in this rapidly growing subject.

  • UMT Artificial Intelligence Review

    UMT Artificial Intelligence Review (UMT-AIR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed biannual journal that provides a wide variety of perspectives on the theory and practices of work in the realm of AI. We welcome research papers on foundational and applied work, as well as case studies. UMT-AIR also invites studies on critical analytical studies on AI applications, which present an in-depth evaluation of the AI tools and methods being employed.

  • UMT Education Review

    UMT Education Review is an open-access, double-blind peer-reviewed International journal published biannually by the Department of Education, University of Management and Technology. UER has a broad focus related to education development and change, especially occurring in the 21st century in the developing world.

  • Journal of Communication and Cultural Trends

    The Journal of Communication and Cultural Trends (JCCT) is a bi-annual, double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, edited by the editorial board of the journal. The JCCT mainly addresses the research articles under the domains of English (American and Asian) Literature, Applied Linguistics, Linguistics, TESOL, ELT, Intercultural Communication, etc.

  • Journal of Applied Research and Multidisciplinary Studies

    Journal of Applied Research and Multidisciplinary Studies (JARMS) is an open access, bi-annual, double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the School of Professional Advancement, University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan. 

  • Media and Communication Review

    Media and Communication Review (MCR) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in media and studies and its related fields published twice a year by the School of Media and Communication Studies, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

  • BioScientific Review

    BioScientific Review (BSR) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal published on a quarterly basis. It provides a modern and multidisciplinary platform for free and fast publications broadly covering all aspects of life sciences. Research in the field of life sciences has grown at a bewildering pace during the last decade and BSR intends to publish momentous advances in all specialized areas of life sciences and bring them to light. 

  • Audit and Accounting Review

    Audit and Accounting Review (AAR) is an international double-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the rapid dissemination of high-quality research papers on the advances in  Accounting, Auditing, Business, Management and Economics that can help us to meet the challenges of the 21st century. AAR aims to provide a valuable addition to the present era of knowledge. It also provides a source to access legitimate new models as well as their applications and implications in the field of Audit and Accounting. 

  • Organization Theory Review

    Organization Theory Review (OTR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access research journal published by the School of Professional Advancement, University of Management and Technology.  OTR publishes original and quality research work in the domain of organization and management studies.  The journal publishes case studies, book reviews, short articles within the domain of Organization and Management Theory.

  • International Health Review

    International Health Review (IHR) is an open access peer-reviewed biannual journal that strives to lead the debate on multidisciplinary aspects of health and medical sciences and to publish high value productive research through a rigorous process of peer-review and evaluation in the field of health and medical sciences. The journal’s mission is to bring novel, significant, enduring, and advance research of prime importance to health practitioners, researchers and medical experts that addresses challenging questions in health and medical disciplines.

  • Clinical and Counselling Psychology Review

    Clinical and Counselling Psychology Review – CCPR Founded in 2017, the CCPR is a peer-reviewed forum devoted to research, assessment, and practice. CCPR is a bi-annual journal that includes original research articles, review articles, and single case studies.

  • Law and Policy Review

    LPR is an international open-access Bi-annual journal launched in 2020 by the School of Law and Policy, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. LPR is a peer-review journal, which is published biannually. It not only entertains pieces that are exclusively on law and policy, but also pieces that are interdisciplinary in nature. The aim is to not only provide a platform for discussing and analyzing Pakistan and global matters but also to promote quality research in Pakistani legal academia.

  • International Journal of Urban and Regional Planning

    The International Journal of Urban & Regional Planning (IJURP) aims to publish research addressing challenges and opportunities in urban development in the global south, focusing on South Asia. The rapid pace of urbanization in the global south has presented planning professionals with unique challenges. Often, local governments lack adequate own source revenue that limits their ability to plan and deliver municipal infrastructure and services. IJURP aspires to become a valuable resource of scholarly and professional knowledge for engineers, economists, planners, and policymakers committed to improving development outcomes in the global south.

  • Governance and Society Review

    Governance and Society Review (GSR) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, bi-annual journal published by the School of Governance and Society, University of Management & Technology, Lahore. GSR publishes research that contributes to the public administration theory, policy and practice. It widely covers the areas of public administration, public policies, service delivery, governance, and management in public organizations.

  • Applied Psychology Review

    Applied Psychology Review (APR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal that emphasizes the publications of original and empirical investigations, based on the theoretical understanding that contribute new knowledge and understanding to various fields of Applied Psychology including Social, Clinical, Counseling, Gender, Forensic, Criminal, Organizational/ Industrial, Health, Education, Sports, Media, and Leadership, etc. 

  • Journal of Design and Textiles

    Journal of Design and Textiles (JDT) is an open access journal which provides a forum to disseminate knowledge among academic and industrial researchers, in the fields of textile engineering, technology, fashion, and design. This Journal aims to promote interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches and the role of collaboration in education; bridging the gap between research of design, technologies and industry.

  • Journal of Public Policy Practitioners

    Journal of public policy practitioners is a scholarly research journal, exclusively for the publications of practitioners working in the public sector of Pakistan. The journal aims to feature substantively on the core governance and policy issues such as management in public sector organizations, local government issues, intergovernmental relations, performance management and evaluation, public financial management, budgeting, governance, service delivery, and public involvement.

  • Currents in Pharmaceutical Research

    Currents in Pharmaceutical Research (CPR) is an International open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish high-quality research in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. The journal welcomes contributions from researchers worldwide and encourages interdisciplinary approaches that integrate pharmaceutical science with other related fields. The journal aims to be a valuable resource for the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory bodies, and healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their understanding of drug development, evaluation, and use.

  • Sociological Research And Innovation

    The Journal of Sociological Research and Innovation (SRI) is an interdisciplinary, open access, biannual journal published by the Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences & Humanities, University of Management & Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan. It follows the double-blind peer-review process. SRI contributes to the advancement of sociological research and understanding by publishing high-quality, rigorous, and innovative social research to foster a vibrant intellectual community in order to share empirical data, hence, encouraging global readership and contribution.