Integration of Blockchain with Big Data Free Schema

  • Muhammad Raza Naqvi Universite de Toulouse Ecole Nationale d’Ing ́enieurs de Tarbes ENIT, France
  • Zahoor Ahmad Rana Go Safe, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Usman Tahir CuddlyNest inc, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: big data, blockchain, ntegration of big data free schema, privacy, security


Abstract Views: 147

Security, immutability, and nature present numerous   difficulties. Big data in monetization is still among the biggest concerns for large of dataset management .Large organizations easily convert unstructured data sets into   structured   data   sets. Still   the problems are faced in smart services in searching of reliable big data solutions. Security   and privacy   are   the   main concerns of cybersecurity.  The main problem of integrating blockchain with big data free schema is how big data can be transferred to the blockchain model with complete assurance of privacy,    security,    and    integrity.    It requires   an   architectural model   that paves the way    to    decentralized, immutable and secure data modeling. Blockchain     is relatively a new technology, guaranteeing integrity and ensuring security in    the    field    of information systems. Its first implementation is bitcoin as a crypto consensus     model in     which the computational evaluation of currency has gained a lot of attention. Blockchain mining     and approving     exchanges comprise a   distributed   system   that contains connections. This article opens new     paths into the blocks     of transactions. Immutability, authentication and distributed consensus are the main characteristics of blockchain.


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How to Cite
Naqvi, M. R., Rana, Z. A., & Tahir, M. U. (2021). Integration of Blockchain with Big Data Free Schema. Innovative Computing Review, 1(1), 12–27.