Security and Privacy Challenges for theIOT-based Smart Homes with Limited Resources and Adoption Immaturity

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT), smart homes, risk assessments, security


Abstract Views: 222

The   Internet   of   Things (IoT) is technically a developing model looking  at the  connectivity of different devices  or  “things”  to each other, as well as with the users and also with the Internet.   IoT   is   projected   to   be   an important necessity for the advancement of intelligent smart homes to   facilitate   home owners because   it provides opportuneness and effectiveness in   order to   help   them attain an improved quality of life. The incorporation of IoT into smart homes entails integrating devices with the Internet.  Even  though  it  offers  many advantages  to the users,  it also poses new  security  and  privacy  challenges based  on connectivity,  confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, resource limitation,   and   adoption   immaturity. These challenges make the IoT-based smart   homes   with   limited   resources enormously susceptible to    diverse forms of security vulnerabilities.  Thus, it   is   pivotal   to detect the probable security threats to establish a comprehensive and secure   status   of smart IOT-based homes.   This paper incorporates the security risk assessment    approach in    order to evaluate the potential security and privacy risks and challenges faced by smart homes.  The basic goal of this study is to identify and point up diverse security and privacy threats to smart homes and to unveil the risks for their residents.   The   paper   also   presents methods to   mitigate   the recognized dangers. This study provides     a foundation to future applications aimed at refining the security necessities of the IoT-based smart homes.


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How to Cite
Gondal, F. K. (2021). Security and Privacy Challenges for theIOT-based Smart Homes with Limited Resources and Adoption Immaturity. Innovative Computing Review, 1(1), 43–59.