Cloud Forensics: Challenges and Solutions (Blockchain Based Solutions)

  • Hassan Kaleem KIT Cloud Solutions Limited, London, United Kingdom
  • Ijaz Ahmed KIT Cloud Solutions Limited, Kemp House, EC1V 2NX London
Keywords: Cloud Forensics; cloud forensics methodologies; review; cloud forensics challenges; cloud forensics solutions; blockchain based solution


Abstract Views: 414

Cloud computing is an on-demand service provided for computer resources, data storage and enhancing computing power. Digital forensics is used to help forensic investigators extract evidence against cloud/ cybercriminals and maintain the integrity and security of data stored in a cloud environment. Based on the prior research in this area concerning existing challenges and solutions, this survey focuses on exploring the problems and their proposed solutions on the basis of a detailed literature survey. It critically explores and reviews the prevailing challenges and solutions through an in-depth review of the cloud forensic area. The paper highlights all the current problems in cloud forensics and their solutions previously identified by the researchers to help investigators probe any criminal incident. The three categorization model explores the challenges and solutions of the existing methods and offers directions for future research in this area. Finally, this survey paper can be considered an initiative to carry out research and develop cloud forensic-able services for the cloud environment.

INDEX TERMS: blockchain based solution, cloud forensics, cloud forensics challenges, cloud forensics methodologies, cloud forensics solutions


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How to Cite
Kaleem, H., & Ijaz Ahmed. (2021). Cloud Forensics: Challenges and Solutions (Blockchain Based Solutions). Innovative Computing Review, 1(2), 01-26.