Feature Based Techniques for a Face Recognition using Supervised Learning Algorithms based on Fixed Monocular Video Camera

Automatic face recognition has ample significance in biometric research. Recent decades have witnessed enormous growth in this research area. Face-based identification is always considered more expedient as compared to other biometric authentications owing to its uniqueness and wide acceptance. The major contribution of this work is twofold; firstly, it comprises an extension of manual thresholding feature-based face recognition approach to an automatic feature-based supervised learning face recognition. Secondly, various new feature sets are proposed and tested on several classifiers for 2, 3, 4, and 5 persons. In addition, the use of slope features of facial components, such as the nose, right eye, left eye, and lips along with other conventional features for face recognition is also a unique contribution of this research. Multiple experiments were performed on the UMT face database. The results demonstrated a comparison of 5 different sets of feature-based approaches on 7 classifiers using the metrics of time efficiency and accuracy. They also depicted that the proposed approaches achieve a percentage accuracy of up to 95.5%.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sumaira Zafar, Isra Anwar, Jameel Ahmad, Malik Tahir Hassan, Syed Farooq Ali

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