Textual vs Visual Representation- Role of Aesthetics in Human Cognition and Perception

Visual representation is better as compared to textual representation in every aspect, either for a code or for the design of a software product. Writing a code using different programming languages in textual form is quite difficult as compared to a visual representation of code. The current study proved this phenomenon by presenting different codes in three different representations. These representations include textual, algorithm,
and flow graph. On the basis of observation and analysis of the current study, these three representations were examined. It was concluded that visual representation is the best way to present a code according to many parameters. These results are helpful in the recent switch towards low programming from high programming. Moreover, further research can be conducted on how large enterprise applications code can be created by using visual programming languages.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mariya Tauqeer, Shakeela Aslam, Iqra Rafique , Tauseef Rana, Halima Jamil

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