E-Satisfaction of Pakistani e-NADRA Website Using System Usability Scale (SUS) Evaluation

The current study attempted to evaluate how customers perceive and interact with the 'Pak identity service' offered by the “National Database and Registration Authority” (NADRA). The study specifically aimed to assess the citizens' opinions about the lately introduced e-government service, Pak-identity, in terms of its user-friendliness, adaptation, and artistry. A quantitative approach was employed by using a questionnaire-based survey in order to identify the factors that influence customer e-loyalty. This approach helps to gain insights into how citizens perceive and behave towards this service. The study collected responses from a sample of 25 individuals through random sampling technique to ensure that it aligns with the study's objectives. Additionally, certain measures were taken to ensure the credibility and validity of the scale used in this research. The current study holds a unique position in the context of evaluating e-services in the country. It focused on the attributes related to the quality of web services provided to citizens, with the ultimate goal of enhancing their adoption and acceptance within society.
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