Nourishing the Future: AI-Driven Optimization of Farm-to-Consumer Food Supply Chain for Enhanced Business Performance

Efficiency and sustainability are upending the global food supply system. The current study examined the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and agriculture to optimize food supply chain from farm to consumer business model. The study examined how AI-driven solutions may boost efficiency, reduce waste, and promote environmental responsibility with an emphasis on sustainability. The food supply system faces resource depletion, climate change, and growing global food consumption. AI technologies, such as automation, data analytics, and machine learning may solve these issues. AI systems use real-time data, predictive analytics, and intelligent logistics to improve production, distribution, and consumption. This reduces food production and transportation of carbon emissions along with improving resource allocation. AI-powered precision agriculture helps the farmers to increase crop yields while lowering fertilizer and pesticide use along with supporting sustainable farming as well. IoT devices and sensor networks are helpful to improve livestock management and crop monitoring, enabling data-driven agriculture. The current study highlighted how AI ensures food quality and safety across supply chain. By identifying impurities, monitoring storage conditions, and forecasting shelf life, AI-powered quality control systems may decrease food wastage and ensure safe, high-quality goods. In conclusion, AI-agriculture integration is an innovative way to increase farm-to-consumer food supply chain efficiency and sustainability. AI technology may help the supply chain stakeholders to create resource-efficient, environmentally friendly food production that meets the needs of a growing population. The current study discussed food industry sustainability and AI uses in agriculture, as well as future possibilities and challenges.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hassan Anwar, Talha Anwar, Gohar Mahmood

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