Fractal View and Thermal Behavior of Fractional Metallic Porous Fins in Response to Changing Convective Conditions

Porous, permeable, and structured fins enhance heat transfer due to their
thermophysical properties. Understanding the thermal gradients in these fins is critical for
a variety of engineering applications. This study applies the Homotopy Perturbation
Method (HPM) to nonlinear fractional differential equations describing porous fins,
focusing on factors such as porosity, permeability, and convection. Thermal analysis with
an insulated tip of a copper alloy reveals that porosity has the greatest impact on heat
transfer. The study highlights the effectiveness of HPM in analyzing these thermal
systems. The system's porosity is found to be more influential than any other factor.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hafiz Muhammad Younas, Muhammad Mohy-U-Din Liaqat, Shahzad Anjum , Emaan Afzal , Reha Salman, Sumbal Shahzadi

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