International and interdisciplinary in scope, Law and Policy Review embraces varied research methodologies that interrogate law, governance, and public policy worldwide in order to advance the socio-legal policy field. We aim to make a vital contribution to the current dialogue on contemporary policy by publishing innovative,
peer-reviewed articles on such critical topics as government and self-regulation, health, environment, family,
gender, legal decision-making, criminal justice, and human rights. We like to think that our articles go beyond
description to significant empirical analyses of public policy in action.

Publication Frequency: Bi-annual
Abbreviated Key Title: Law and Policy Review
Parallel Title: LPR
Area of Publication: Law and Policy

Aims and Objectives
International and interdisciplinary in scope, Law and Policy Review embraces varied research methodologies that interrogate law, governance, and public policy worldwide.
Law and Policy Review makes a vital contribution to the current dialogue on contemporary policy by publishing
innovative, peer-reviewed articles on such critical topics as:
• government and self-regulation
• health
• environment
• family
• gender
• taxation and finance
• legal decision-making
• criminal justice
• human rights
Our mission is guided by the following significant core values:
 We value high-quality research publications in the field of law and policy
 We cultivate and advocate ethical behaviour in all of the aspects of the publication process.
 We respect each of our members & opinions and seek to amplify their ideas.