Editor-in-Chief Message

We welcome all our readers to the first issue of Law and Policy Review (LPR). In this issue, we are proud to present to our readers five new articles from our international and national contributors who have generously shared their research findings on various aspects of Social sciences research. The aspects and topics which come under social sciences are diverse and dynamic. We the Editorial Team of LPR believe that the discipline of social science requires research and development of new tools, techniques, and methods for the growth of industry and organizations. The gap between industry requirements and that of the academic curriculum is fulfilled by the research of academicians.

The current issue has papers from the field of the legal system, mechanisms, political science, sociology, sources of banking sector development, and factors involved in transactional work.

In spite of our best efforts, due to the decision of the editorial board and the referee review board, some of the articles/papers could not be included in the present issue. However, this should not deter any of the authors from sending their original articles, case studies, research reviews, or empirical contributions for publication in our journal in the future.

To all our authors: thank you for making this issue possible, and to our reviewers: thank you for supporting us in enabling LPR to achieve the high quality that it strives for. We hope everyone, from authors to reviewers, will continue to give their strong support to this journal.



Dr. Shazia Qureshi

Law and Policy Review