Call for Editorial/Advisory Board Members


Law and policy review (LPR) is an international double-blind peer reviewed and open access by the School of Law and Policy (SLP), University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pakistan.

The journal supports multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to law and policy. The focus of the journal is not only to entertain pieces that are exclusively on law and policy, but also pieces that are interdisciplinary in nature and how the results of the research may be translated into practice.

Role/Responsibilities of LPR Advisory Board

  • The main purpose of the Journal's Advisory Board is to provide scholarly advice about the direction that LPR should follow.
  • All local Advisory Board Members will take part in the annual meeting. Role/Responsibilities of LPR Advisory and Editorial Board Members
  • Identifying right direction for the journal, giving feedback on previous issues and making suggestions for both subject matter and potential authors.
  • Provide content by writing occasional editorials and other short articles.
  • Approaching potential contributors.
  • Help to identify peer reviewers and provide second opinions on papers (i.e. where there is a conflict between reviewers).
  • Identify appropriate conferences for editors to attend.
  • Encourage authors, readers, subscribers and colleagues to submit their best work.(same as approcing potential contributors…?)

Submitting your Application

To apply for the position of editorial/advisory Board Member, please submit your CV along with confirmatory note at [email protected]

Dr. Shazia N. Qureshi

Editor-in-Chief, LPR

University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan