Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: A Critical Study of Pakistan's Current Arbitration Regime

  • Rana Baleegh-Ur -Rehman
  • Rida Khawar
  • Sardar Omer Hassan Khan
  • muhammad arsalan School of law and policy
Keywords: arbitral awards, arbitration process, challenges, court procedures, execution, foreign arbitration, implementation


Abstract Views: 122

This study critically examines the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Pakistan. There are two primary enactments that deal with the procedures of arbitration. The first is the Arbitration Act, 1940. The second enactment that deals with the process of arbitration is Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act, 1961. Despite the existence of these laws, it is still arduous to completely execute the awards in the country. Several studies have highlighted the difficulties faced by the parties in enforcing foreign arbitral awards in Pakistan, including lack of awareness and understanding of the arbitration process, limited number of specialized arbitration courts, lengthy court procedures, and lack of effective enforcement mechanisms. This study aims to identify difficulties in the enforcement of arbitral award and suggest potential solutions for improving the process of execution. For this purpose, it relies upon a review of the relevant literature and statutes and also includes a case study analysis of several selected cases.



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How to Cite
ABDULLAH GHAFOOR, Rana Baleegh-Ur -Rehman, Rida Khawar, Sardar Omer Hassan Khan, & muhammad arsalan. (2022). Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: A Critical Study of Pakistan’s Current Arbitration Regime. Law and Policy Review, 1(1), 44-57. https://doi.org/10.32350/lpr.11.03