Negotiating in the Digital Age: Exploring the Role of Technology in Modern Negotiations

  • Agha Fasihullah Karachi Bar Association, Pakistan
  • Bisma Awan Lahore Bar Association, Pakistan
  • Aamir Khan Karachi Bar Association, Pakistan
Keywords: communication, cyber security, digital age, future, negotiation, technology, tools


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Negotiation has become increasingly prevalent in the digital age which is due to technological advancements. The current study explored the role of technology in modern negotiations in the digital age. It examined how technological advancements have transformed the negotiation landscape. Moreover, it also discussed the benefits of utilizing technology in negotiations. The study also delved into various technological tools and platforms that support modern negotiations including digital communication platforms, negotiation software, and data analytics. It highlighted how technology enhances communication, collaboration, and decision-making in negotiations. The study further addressed the importance of cyber security and ethical considerations in digital negotiations, providing strategies to mitigate risks and ensure ethical conduct. Real-world case studies demonstrate the successful implementation of technology in negotiations, analyzing outcomes, benefits, and challenges. Furthermore, future trends in technology and their implications for negotiations have been explored also in the current study along with insights on how negotiators can adapt and leverage technology for successful outcomes. To conclude, the study emphasized the significance of technology in modern negotiations and offered thoughts on future directions and potential challenges in technology-enabled negotiations.


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How to Cite
Agha Fasihullah, Awan, B., & Hulio, A. K. (2023). Negotiating in the Digital Age: Exploring the Role of Technology in Modern Negotiations. Law and Policy Review, 2(1), 61-86.