Legal Framework of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms in Pakistan: A Comparative Study with Turkey, Malaysia, and Bangladesh

  • Sardar Omer Hassan Khan Punjab Judicial Service, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Mehreen Siyyab Abbasi Punjab Judicial Service, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: arbitration, confidentiality, conciliation, cost effective, mediation, negotiation, time saving


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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to a humane approach which delivers justice, empowers the parties, and fosters a sense of belongingness. The current research probed into the evolution of ADR in Pakistan by examining its historical aspects and incorporation into the legal regime. Moreover, it also explored practical challenges causing the slow assimilation of this dispute-resolution mechanism in the country. The process used to conduct the current study involved a qualitative approach, examining ADR-oriented interventions adopted globally from selected jurisdictions. The findings suggested that Pakistan can learn from Turkey’s strategies in institutionalizing ADR by conducting awareness campaigns. Malaysia and Bangladesh have successfully integrated ADR into their legislative frameworks through collaborations, training initiatives, and by fostering a cultural environment that embraces ADR methodologies. Through applying these approaches, Pakistan can further advance its ADR practices to promote better access to justice and ease the pressure on its legal system’Through applying these approaches, Pakistan can further advance its ADR practices to promote better access to justice and ease the pressure on its legal system.


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How to Cite
Khan, S. O. H., & Abbasi, M. S. (2023). Legal Framework of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms in Pakistan: A Comparative Study with Turkey, Malaysia, and Bangladesh. Law and Policy Review, 2(2), 37-57.