Developing a Legal Framework for Digital Policy: A Roadmap for AI Regulations in Pakistan

Exploring the steps for laying down a legal framework for artificial intelligence (AI) is an emerging national concern for federal governments. As the field of AI keeps developing more quickly now, countries all over the world are trying to figure out how to effectively regulate and legalize this new technology. The purpose of this research paper is to establish a legal framework for digital policy of Pakistan, keeping in view privacy issues, ethical issues, and possible societal effects. This paper offers Pakistan a risk management framework for navigating the challenges of AI regulation by examining global practices and peer-reviewed studies. Taking into account ethical considerations, legal apprehensions, and potential social impacts, now the nations are contending with the undertaking of framing operative codes of practice and laws to govern this emerging technology. Through rapid review methodology, this study analyzes international practices and draws upon expert opinions in order to provide a comprehensive roadmap for Pakistan to navigate the complexities associated with AI regulations.
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