Development of International Law: A Comprehensive Analysis

The characterization or evaluation of international law is not sufficiently defined in the field of foreign affairs. These laws are not solely left for state interpretation nor are they effectively engrained according to the consent of states. Compulsory assessment and enforcement in international law has increased its importance in broadening up its preview and reducing the dependence on state endorsement. This study aims to thoroughly examine the origins and advancements of international law. It explores the fundamental concepts and sources of international law, including international contracts, international establishments and challenges faced by these organizations. This study discusses multinational issues like international security, human rights and environment protection, highlighting the interaction between sovereignty of states and increasing demand for global leadership in these fields. The paper discusses the obstacles and challenges encountered in the implementation of international law. It is observed that effective and well-organized operations of legal structure is dependent on universal compliance and accountability. In the modern era, implementation of latest technologies, especially AI based technologies, can be one of the best solutions to cater international issues in timely manner. By probing its basics, historical framework and challenges, this paper contributes to understanding the future trajectories of international law.
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