Prospect of Using Technology to Enhance Access to Justice: Comparative Analysis between Pakistan and Indian Legal System

  • Shah Jalal ud Din Post-graduate School of Legal Studies, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: access to justice, challenges, e-courts, e-filing, law and technology, legal system, prospects, potential, video-link


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Technology for justice is now the emerging concept in the global legal systems to ameliorate access to justice. This research aims to explore the potential of using technology to promote access to justice in legal systems of Pakistan and India. The study examines the potential of technology to promote access to justice to the extent of economic and geographical aspects. The study examines the technological initiatives and development of e-courts, e-filing, video conferencing and other initiatives of legal services that have the potential to promote access to justice in the legal system. The study is based on a qualitative framework with comparative design to look into the debate of interaction of law and technology in both countries from a neutral perspective. The research is culminated into four sections: the first one renders the conceptual framework of the study, the second one expedites the Indian account, the third one purveys the account of Pakistan and the fourth one finally resorts to comparative analysis that further follows the conclusion that advocates for using a hybrid model proposed by Susskind.


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How to Cite
Din, S. J. ud. (2024). Prospect of Using Technology to Enhance Access to Justice: Comparative Analysis between Pakistan and Indian Legal System. Law and Policy Review, 3(2), 139-170. Retrieved from