Constitution, Environment, and Global Challenges: A Study of Chinese Constitution and Environmental Treatment in China

  • Khalid Mahmood Ranjha Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China, constitution, ecological civilization, environmental rights, environmental law


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Studies have evidently shown that environmental disturbances cause existential threats for the entire global life. Diverse efforts have been made globally to preserve and sustain the environment and natural resources to ensure human existence. Various legal measures have been put in place at national, international, and regional levels which include constitutional provisions, environmental rules regulations, and policies. China, being a major global producer, is one of the largest contributors of global warming and also faces a number of environmental issues domestically. Therefore, the current study aimed to explore the environmental treatment by Chinese Constitution along with an analysis of environmental legal mechanism of China. Moreover, it also provided a brief picture of environment-human rights relationship and the current status of environmental constitutionalization across the world. The greatest task for China is to overcome the environmental challenges without compromising its economy. China has yet to decorate its constitution with an express environmental right, however, it places considerable significance on its protection. Since 1970s, China has been placing a progressive environmental enforcement mechanism to ensure environmental protection. Moreover, it has also enacted multiple legislative instruments at different governance levels through various enforcement bodies. A recent example is the inclusion of concept of ecological civilization in the constitution.  Still, it remains a mighty task to ensure environmental sustainability, both nationally and globally, especially in the context of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).


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How to Cite
Ranjha, K. M. (2024). Constitution, Environment, and Global Challenges: A Study of Chinese Constitution and Environmental Treatment in China. Law and Policy Review, 3(1), 140-161.