An Analytical Study of the Challenges Facing Religious Minorities: Advocating for Reforms and Empowerment

This study examines the disturbing practice of forced religious conversions and the violation of minority rights in Sindh, Pakistan, focusing on the complex interrelation between the legal frameworks, sociocultural pressures, and institutional failures. Pakistan’s Constitution (1973) guarantees religious freedom as a fundamental right, as outlined in Articles 20 (freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions) and 22 (safeguards to educational institutions in respect of religion). However, religious minorities, particularly young women are more vulnerable to systematic violence which limits their freedom of belief. This research adopts a multidisciplinary approach, encompassing legal analysis, empirical data and testimonies from victims to highlight the shortcomings of legislative and judicial responses. Through a comparative analysis of local and international human right obligations, this study aims to address the gaps in the implementation of laws protecting religious minorities in Sindh, offering recommendations to improve legal and policy interventions.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Arooj Aziz Malik, Muhammad Waqar

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