Call for Review Board
Clinical and Counselling Psychology Review (CCPR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed open
access journal that emphasizes the publications of original and empirical investigations, based on
the theoretical understanding that contributes new knowledge and understanding to various fields
of Clinical, Counselling, Assessment, Intervention, Culture, etc. The journal will be
published in both print and online versions.
CCPR is seeking qualified and high-profile professionals and practitioners to join our Editorial
Kindly contact the editorial office via email at [email protected]
Review Board's Mandate and Focus: The main purpose of the journal's Review Board is to
provide scholarly advice about the direction that CCPR should follow.
Objectives of the Review Board
The role of the Review Board is to advise and support the editor in securing research work. Other
functions may include:
Identifying new direction for the journal — giving feedback on past issues and making
suggestions for both subject matter and potential authors
Approaching potential contributors
Identify appropriate conferences for editors to attend
Encourage authors, readers, and subscribers and encourage colleagues to submit their
best work.
You will keep yourself up to date about the latest development in your area of research
You will demonstrate leadership quality in your research community which is
required for our promotion and/or academic growth.
You will have the scope to publish your papers in our journals or to attend our
Note: Please send your CV along with a confirmatory note.
Recognition of the Journal