Role of Peer Pressure in Addiction: A Case Study

  • Waliya Zaffar Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
  • Asma Ijaz Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
Keywords: Cannabis Use Disorder, Peer Pressure, Aggression


Abstract Views: 834

The current case study focuses on a 25 years old, unmarried male, referred with the presenting complaints of intake of Cannabis and aggression. His symptoms fulfilled the criteria of Cannabis Use Disorder; Severe, Currently in a Controlled Environment with environmental risk factors. Assessment was conducted by the means of Behavioral Observation, Mental Status Examination, Clinical Interview with client and his psychologist and Subjective Rating of Symptoms. Management plans were to build and maintain rapport by engaging in different activities with him, insight building of his illness. The client was also taught relapse prevention, craving management and anger management. Overall there was an improvement in the client’s craving.


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