Fear of Missing Out and Social Curiosity as Predictors of Social Media Addiction in Young Adults of Pakistan

  • Khadija Zahoor
Keywords: fear of missing out, Pakistani young adults, social curiosity, social media addiction


Abstract Views: 235

The current study was carried out to examine the effect of fear of missing out and social curiosity on social media addiction in young adults of Pakistan. A sample of N=405 individuals was approached through online survey due to lockdown. It was a cross-sectional study design and data was collected through convenient sampling technique. The individuals both men and women from only 15-30 age group were considered. Fear of Missing Out Scale (FOMOs), Social Curiosity subscale of a five-dimensional Curiosity Scale and Social Media Addiction Scale were used to assess the study variables. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS).  The results revealed that fear of missing out and social curiosity positively predicted social media addiction. No significant statistical differences were observed in terms of gender and age groups.


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How to Cite
Zahoor, K. (2022). Fear of Missing Out and Social Curiosity as Predictors of Social Media Addiction in Young Adults of Pakistan. Clinical and Counselling Psychology Review, 4(1), 65-81. https://doi.org/10.32350/ccpr.41.05