Predicting the Role of Emotional and Behavioral Problems on Delinquent Tendencies in Adolescents

  • Aisha Lakhani institute of professional psychology, Bahria University
  • Mustansir Mansoor Ali institute of professional psychology, Bahria University
  • Javeria Sarwar institute of professional psychology, Bahria University
  • Marvi Sabir institute of professional psychology, Bahria University
Keywords: adolescents, behavioral problems, emotional problems, delinquency


Abstract Views: 216

The current study aims to investigate the relationship between emotional and behavioral problems and delinquent tendencies in adolescents. It was hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between emotional and behavioral problem with delinquent tendencies in adolescents. Purposive convenient sampling was used to select the 225 participants between the ages 12-19 years. The participants were selected from private and government institutes in Karachi city. Emotional and behavioral problems were measured through indigenously developed scale School Children Problem Scale SCPS (Saleem & Mahmood, 2011), whereas Delinquent tendencies were assessed using the Self-Report Delinquency Scale SRDS (Irum Naqvi & Anila Kamal, 2008). A Pearson correlation analysis showed that a significant moderate relationship exists between emotional and behavioral problems and delinquent tendencies in adolescents. Further suggestion and implications for future researches were also discussed.


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How to Cite
Lakhani, A., Ali, M. M., Sarwar, J., & Sabir, M. (2022). Predicting the Role of Emotional and Behavioral Problems on Delinquent Tendencies in Adolescents. Clinical and Counselling Psychology Review, 4(1), 16-36.