Developing Phoneme Performance Using ABA: A Case Study

Phoneme awareness is vital for student development and academic success. It involves understanding sounds and patterns in spoken language, which is crucial for language proficiency and literacy acquisition. The child E. A 9-year-old girl was a student of 4th grade. She came with the presenting complaints of a lack of interest in studies and being unable to learn long questions (difficulty reading and writing in Urdu and English). The assessment was done and a management plan was formed. The assessment was conducted through behavioral observation, clinical interviews with the teacher and client, subjective ratings of the presenting complaints, Digit Span, Vocabulary tests from Cognitive Assessment Battery (CAB), and curriculum-based assessment. The result of the assessment showed that the child had academic issues like poor phoneme awareness (unable to identify a few phonemes, issue in blending letters, etc.) and a lack of interest in studies. For the current study, the ABA approach was used by employing basic alphabetic principles (syllables, rhymes), phonemic awareness strategies (identification, isolation, blending, segmentation), and motivation building (recognizing your achievement, building SMART goals) to overcome the child’s difficulty in reading and writing in Urdu and English. A positive outcome was noted in the pre-and post-ratings where she was able to recognize letters and blend letters she missed, segment words into individual sounds.
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