Hypersensitive Narcissism, Social Media Usage, and Selfitis Behaviour among University Students: Mediating Role of Self-Esteem

The current study aimed to examine the relationship between hypersensitive narcissism, social media usage, and selfitis behaviour along with the mediating role of self-esteem among university students in Pakistan. Correlational research design and purposive sampling technique were used in the study. The sample comprised (N=200) university students with a mean age of 21.45 years (SD=2.42). Both men (n=100) and women (n=100) participants were included in the study. Standard instruments such as the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS), Selfitis Behaviour Scale (SBS), Social Media Affinity Scale (SMAS), and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were used to collect the data. The results indicated that hypersensitive narcissism, social media usage, and selfitis behaviour have a significant positive correlation, while they exhibit a non-significant correlation with self-esteem. The findings also revealed that hypersensitive narcissism and social media usage positively predict selfitis behaviour. It was also determined that hypersensitive narcissism, social media usage, selfitis behaviour, and self-esteem have the same impact on both genders. Self-esteem was taken as a mediator but the results showed that it did not mediate between these variables. The study may assist future educators, mental health professionals, and policymakers in recognizing and addressing such risk factors to promote a healthier academic and social environment. The study may further contribute to discussions related to digital well-being and the need for guidelines to ensure that social media platforms are used in ways that enhance rather than diminish the self-esteem of university students.
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