Emotion Regulation and Self-Concept as Predictors of Interpersonal Problems in Transgender Population of Pakistan

The current study aimed to investigate the psychosocial predictors of interpersonal problems in transgender people of Pakistan. For this purpose, a sample of (n = 72) transgender individuals were recruited through the snowball sampling technique. The Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), Personal Self-Concept Questionnaire (PSQ), and Interpersonal Problems Scale (IPS) were used to find out the predicting role of emotion regulation, self-concept, and interpersonal problems in transgender individuals, respectively. Data was analyzed through SPSS (Version 25). The findings revealed a significant positive relationship between all domains of emotion regulation namely awareness, clarity, goals, strategies, and impulse and two domains of interpersonal problems, namely sociability and involved. Only awareness and clarity domains of emotion regulation were found to be inversely correlated with the supportive domain of interpersonal problems. Furthermore, a significant positive association was observed between self-concept and the two domains of interpersonal problems, that is, sociability and involved. However, the two domains of self-concept, namely self-fulfillment and autonomy were observed to be inversely correlated with the supportive domain of interpersonal problems. These findings indicate that demographics (education) is a negative predictor of interpersonal problems. On the contrary, the two domains of emotion regulation (strategy and impulse) are positive predictors of interpersonal problems. Furthermore, one domain of self-concept (autonomy) is also a positive predictor of interpersonal problems. The study has significant theoretical and practical implications considering the Pakistani cultural context.
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