Use of Behavioral Modification and Sensory Integration Strategies to Manage Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by symptoms in two domains: Social communication/social interaction and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. The impairments associated with ASD often become challenging in the clinical setting due to their broader impact across developmental domains. Therefore, recent evidence suggests a combination of behavioral and sensory integration strategies in managing ASD. Several carefully designed interventional studies have also provided information about the effects of caregiver training and direct instruction at the interventional level. The current study presents the case of a four years and six months old boy who was referred with complaints of poor socialization and communication and repetitive behaviors. This study was based on a single case-ABA design. Initial assessment of the client involved several steps including a clinical interview, behavioral observation, administration of Sensory Screening Checklist followed by a diagnostic assessment based on the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS 2) and diagnostic criteria provided by DSM-5 TR. Based on the assessment, the diagnosis of ASD was confirmed and a management plan was formulated to address the presenting issues. A total of 26 therapy sessions were carried out with the client that particularly focused on managing repetitive behaviors using a combination of behavioral and sensory integration strategies. Outcome analysis revealed that the client demonstrated a reduction in behaviors including teeth grinding and echolalia. The therapy sessions proved beneficial in addressing the client's challenges, albeit with further work needed to achieve optimal outcomes.
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