Perfectionism, Academic Procrastination and Psychological Distress in University Students

The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between perfectionism and academic procrastination and psychological distress in undergraduate university students. It was hypothesized that maladaptive perfectionism and academic procrastination are likely to predict psychological distress. Further aim of the study was to determine the mediating role of academic procrastination in the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and psychological distress in undergraduate university students. A correlational research design was employed, using a purposive sampling technique to collect online data. The sample comprised of 244 male and female undergraduate students from both public and private sector universities. Assessment tools included the Almost Perfect Scale- Revised (APS-R), Procrastination Assessment Scale-Students (PASS) and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) were used to measure perfectionism, academic procrastination and psychological distress respectively. The data were analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, Pearson product correlation, multiple hierarchal regression and mediation analysis. The results showed that maladaptive perfectionism and academic procrastination were positively correlated with psychological distress, whereas adaptive perfectionism had no significant relationship with psychological distress. Moreover, maladaptive perfectionism and academic procrastination emerged as significant positive predictors of psychological distress among undergraduate university students. The main findings of mediation analysis revealed that academic procrastination partially mediated the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and psychological distress. The result was discussed in the light of previous literature, theoretical and cultural background.
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