Attachment Styles, Love Styles, and Romantic Jealousy among Late Adolescents and Young Adults: An Analytical Study

The current study aims to discuss the relationship among attachment styles, love styles, and romantic jealousy in late adolescents and young adults. Correlational research method was used and data was collected through purposive sampling technique. The sample comprised of males (N = 177) and females (N = 128). Revised Adult Attachment Scale, Love Attitude Scale (short form), and Multidimensional Jealousy Scale were used for data collection. The analysis showed significant correlation of mania and ludus love styles with anxious attachment style. Anxious attachment, mania, and ludus love were found positively associated with cognitive jealousy, emotional jealousy, and behavioral jealousy. Moreover, close love style was significantly correlated with eros love style and depend attachment style was positively correlated with pragma and eros love styles. Linear regression was applied to find out the predictions. Ludus love style was significantly predicted by anxious attachment, while close attachment was a significant predictor of eros love style. However, depend attachment significantly predicted pragma love style. Hence, the study has practical implications in family and relationship counselling. It will help to better understand the relationship problems that are rapidly prevailing in our culture.
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