Prototype Design and Development of Android App for Blood Donation and Tracking Donors

Keywords: prototype design, android app, blood donation, tracking donors


Abstract Views: 133

The population of Pakistan is increasing rapidly and so is the ratio of blood borne conditions, and diseases. To further aggravate the situation, the furthermost alarming threat is the fact that the ratio of blood donors in Pakistan is just less than 10% of the whole population. This is clearly insufficient to meet the high rising medical demands of the blood in emergency situations. In majority cases, the cause of patient demise in Pakistan is merely due to the sole reason that the blood donor cannot communicate with the recipients properly from any platform. The aim of this research project is to create awareness and motivation for people through a “Cost Free” blood donation application to donate the blood on just one click. The blood bank tab will provide the perfect path to find a potential person willing for the donation. By using maps, everyone can trace the blood banks according to the required need. Likewise, the recipients and the donors can be accessed from the application to find the nearest blood banks and the hospitals via using search bar. This application specifically targets age group ranging from 20 to 50 years; and encourages youth to participate in blood donation. This app enables individuals as well as larger organizations to create profile so that the community may benefit from donors. All blood banks and the hospitals can join the application for best services. This prototype app will be designed and developed according to the required needs; and will be presented through advertising techniques that includes: branding, poster, standees, billboards and an installation for understanding.

Index Terms: Android app, blood donation, blood bank, prototype design, tracking donors, Vector-art style.


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How to Cite
M. Kamran Mughal and Fatima Shahzad, “Prototype Design and Development of Android App for Blood Donation and Tracking Donors”, JDT, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 51-70, Dec. 2022.