Editor-in-Chief's Message

We welcome all our readers to the first issue of Journal of Design and Textiles (JDT). The field of design and textile is highly dynamic and requires continuous research and development using new tools, techniques, and methods for the growth of industry and organizations. In order to create new ideas and their realization, it is required that academia and industry establish a strong link and work together so that new innovative products are manufactured and offered to the public.

I am truly honored to have been selected as Editor-in-Chief of JDT. I am also very proud to be working in tandem with an outstanding team of editors and members of the editorial board. They have been selected as a balanced global representation of the leadership in the field of design and textiles. This is an editorial team that is fully engaged and committed to the success of this journal.

As Editor-in-Chief, I recognize and appreciate the services of esteemed authors for timely submission of manuscripts and unbiased peer review of the experts. In addition, we value the importance of rapid publication, and so to that end we have structured our editorial team to comprise associate editors and few language experts so we are able to expedite the processing of submitted manuscripts. I have instructed all those involved with the journal in an effort to provide the highest standard of manuscript review, editing, and publishing.

We have implemented rigorous peer review criteria, and this will be reflected in the quality of published articles. We also want to encourage all those who are interested in being part of this energetic and enthusiastic team to contact us, as we will welcome your contribution. We invite colleagues working in related disciplines of design and textiles for the publication of their own high-quality research.

I am extremely excited to be embarking on this very important role and wish to express my gratitude to the leadership for selecting me as Editor-in-Chief of this influential journal. We hope everyone, from authors to reviewers, will continue to give their strong support to this journal. 


Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Hasan Malik

Dean, School of Design and Textiles UMT