Effect of Jacquard Structures on the Tensile Strength Property of Weft Knitted Fabrics

  • Endalkachew Debebe Department of Textile Engineering, School of Textile and Fashion Technology, Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
  • Tewodros Birhan Ministry of Industry and Investment, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Yohannes Shitahun Department of Textile Engineering, Ethiopian Institute of Textile and Fashion Technology, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
  • Melaku Belay Department of Textile Engineering, School of Textile and Fashion Technology, Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
  • Nathan Adelahu Department of Textile Engineering, School of Textile and Fashion Technology, Dire Dawa University, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Keywords: elongation at break, jacquard effect, tensile strength


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The goal of this study is to examine the effects of jacquard knit structures (Twill, Stripe, Net and Net1*2) on the tensile properties of knitted fabrics. The relationship between the jacquard knit effect and fabric tensile properties was evaluated through experimentation and analysis. V-bed flat knitting machines were used in the study to manufacture knit samples that were entirely made of 87.3 Tex acrylic yarns. The finding indicates that there are unique relationships between fabric tensile characteristics and jacquard effect structures. Tensile characteristics like tensile strength and elongation percent at break of jacquard effect knitted fabrics vary substantially from one another. The knit structure has a considerable impact on the length wise and width-wise tensile strength of jacquard-effect knitted fabrics at Sig. 0.000 and Sig. 0.000, respectively. Additionally, the interaction of fabric structure and weight, as well as fabric structure and thickness, affects the tensile property of the jacquard effect knitted fabric.


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How to Cite
E. Debebe, T. Birhan, Y. Shitahun, M. Belay, and N. Adelahu, “Effect of Jacquard Structures on the Tensile Strength Property of Weft Knitted Fabrics”, JDT, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 30-45, Aug. 2024.