Workforce Competency Models for Multiple Construction Projects: A Review

In recent decades, several definitions of competency have been presented by prominent thinkers
and scholars of this field, each of them deals with the competency from a certain angle and
expressed different dimensions. Furthermore, the competency approach in human resource
management (HRM) is not a new trend, and the subject of competence is a very old subject
matter. On the contrary, human resource competence is one of the most important issues of any
organization, which includes diverse, attractive and, simultaneously, sophisticated topics. Today,
due to the dramatic changes in the field of HRM and the trend of managers to meritocracy in the
organization, the planning of an organization based on competency has a special place. Different
studies in this field show that the necessity to pay attention to the mission perspective, strategy,
organizational goals and structure will be an integral part in the successful assignment of human
resources and, without regard to this, the organization's approach cannot be determined. The use
of human resource competency models in multiple construction projects requires a major
paradigm, which in HRM literature refers to the competency-based human resource management
(CBHRM), and changes the thinking of human resource managers across individuals and
organizations, generally. This competency-based management approach is a coherent approach
for managing human capital in the long term, based on a common set of competency models
related to the macro strategies of each project in this field. In this paper, the researcher initially
reviewed the diversity of conceptual frameworks and components of competency models in
construction projects. Then, the competency models of the project manager, civil engineer, and
construction foreman and worker are identified in project-oriented organizations. At the end of
the research, a set of competencies of professional, ethical, cultural and social behaviour is
presented in a variety of competency models.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mohammad Mahoud Mahoud, Vahid Shahhosseini

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