Impact of Non-Performing Loans and Capital Ratio on the Profitability of Banks: Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan

This research expresses how non-performing loans hoists the profitability
of the banks. The deductive approach has been used in this study and
profitability used as explained variable. The non-performing loans and
capital ratio used as explanatory variables and proxies by seven key ratios.
Five years data were used ranges from the year 2010 to 2014.This study
used fixed effect model for estimating the regression among variables. The
statistical results show that the non-performing loans may increase the
profitability of banks in some cases but normally showers the adverse effect
on profitability. The outputs of the study suggest that bank should enhance
the more loans because it may cause the more profitability instead of
thinking about non-performing loans as default loans. Because, nonperforming loans just passes from the stage of performing loans which are
the main source of earnings for banks. They should keep an optimistic
thought about loans. This research is an initiative which highlights the
dynamic effects of non-performing loans in determining the profitability of
banks specifically in Pakistanand shows the positive side of non-performing
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Copyright (c) 2022 Umar Farooq, Sidra Qayyum, Bilal Haider Subhani

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