Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Combined Disaster Management

Disaster management is an important part in case of catastrophe for the wellbeing of humanity to save them from severe effects. For active disaster management combined approaches may be used such as applications of artificial intelligence, e.g. geographical analysis, risk mapping and tracking, obscure sensing ability, advance technologies for drone and machine learning and urban planning based on smart cities technology, analysis of hotspots and analysis of environmental impacts are modern technologies which needs to be studied more in the context of disaster management. Researchers of social sciences used different procedures and technology to analyze the hazards, risks and catastrophe between disciplinal.They utilized empirical and evaluative collection of data and itsanalysis techniques. The current study is an overview of present applications of AI being helpful in disaster management throughout its tetrahedral states. AI is important in all states of disaster management as it's a faster solution than other technologies. Integration of two basic supportive tools which are Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographically Information System (GIS) in disaster management provides higher level of planning and its analysis. It can help authorities to take quick and effective decisions in case of natural disaster.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Arfan, Zara Khan, Nael Qadri, M. Hassan Hameed, Abdul Rehman Amir

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