Antecedents of Employees’ Affective Commitment in the Context of Public-Private Partnership

A committed and competent workforce is considered a source of competitive advantage for all organizations. Organizations emphasize on improvement in Human Resource (HR) based activities to promote employees’ affective commitment. Therefore, the current study endeavors to investigate the impact of job insecurity, pay satisfaction and participation in decision making on affective commitment of the employees of banks providing services in District Rahim Yar Khan, within the context of Public-Private Partnership (PPP). The sampled population for the study comprised the managerial employees of banking sector. The study utilized the quantitative method and structured questionnaires based on 5 point Likert scale were used for data analysis. The population of the study comprised 234 managerial level employees. The current study employed Smart PLS software for the analysis of data. The findings indicate that pay satisfaction and participation in decision making have a significant relationship with affective commitment. However, job insecurity negatively influences affective commitment of employees.
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