Exploring the Delay Factors of Integrated Energy Project by Dynamic Green (Pvt.) Limited

Dynamic Green (Pvt.) Limited is the latest initiative of the Dynamic group of companies to tackle the most challenging issue faced by Pakistan that is energy crisis. In Pakistan, the manufacturing industry, businesses, and households face energy shortfalls. To achieve the objective of reduction in energy crises, Dynamic Green (Pvt.) Limited has started the first integrated energy project. The aim of this study is to explore the delay factors and their causes in an integrated energy project by Dynamic Green (Pvt.) Limited. Qualitative research methodology was used in this study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews conducted with those employees of Dynamic Green (Pvt.) Limited who had been actively involved in this integrated energy project. NVivo v11 software was used to analyze the critical delay factors and their causes. By applying the word cloud and thematic analysis, the study found that communication gap, improper planning, incomplete documents, poor organizational processes, stakeholders’ conflicts, lack of coordination between project coordinators, unskilled labor, procurement issues, and poor evaluation of vendor selection were significant delay factors in the integrated energy project. These findings are expected to be a noteworthy contribution of this study which recommends practical solutions to prevent further delays in the future.
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